The future of the oil and gas industry will be defined by climate policies and new energy offerings in the most different ways, which arise in a period of transition to a low-carbon economy. In this context, the Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute (IBP) will hold the 4th Brazilian Congress on CO2 in June 2018, in Rio de Janeiro, with the goal of promoting and discussing technical and scientific aspects associated to CO2 in the industry.
“The Congress on CO2 wants to promote the integration between industries, service providers, associations, government agencies, research centers and universities,” Melissa Fernandez, Technology and Innovation Manager at IBP, says. “In a low-carbon economy, CO2 capture, transport and destination technologies play a central role, as they reduce environmental impacts of natural gas use on electric generation,” she adds.
One of the main challenges of the 21st century is meeting growing energy demand in this scenario of restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions. So, in the past few years, events about CO2 have been organized around the world, motivated by the necessity to discuss the reduction of this gas’ emissions.
To enrich and broaden the debate of the event, whose motto will be “CO2 and the Low Carbon Economy”, IBP is receiving technical papers related to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions in the sector. Interested authors can submit their abstracts to the event’s website up to January 19 (Friday), through the Author’s Area. Those selected papers will be published in IBP’s online library. Click here to find out more information, such as complete schedule and paper format.
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