In recent years, technology and innovation have been prevailing itself as a vector of cost reduction and an essential mechanism to take advantage of available resources within the oil and gas sector. To get an idea of the relevance of the theme, studies from the Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute (IBP), shows that more than US$7,5 billion should be invested in research and development in Brazil until 2026.
According to the Rio de Janeiro Oil Industry Yearbook: Panorama 2019, produced by the Rio de Janeiro Federation of Industries (Firjan) based on national data released by National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP), the investments on development and innovation researches in the sector increased 66% from 2017 to 2018 – what represents a R$ 2 billion application last year.
At the pipeline segment, the digital transformation influence has been noticed in the whole chain, from professional qualification and increased efficiency to operational safety. Gathering specialists from around the world, the Rio Pipeline 2019 takes place in Rio de Janeiro from September 3 and 5, with different panels dedicated to digital technologies in this market.
The gap of qualified professionals in the O&G sector gets more noticeable with the industry 4.0 and its elements expands, mostly in a moment when new pipelines operators are entering the market. In this scenario, specialists will discuss aspects related to the need for skills training of professionals interested in working in the area.
Executives that work with digital transformation in the oil and gas industry will participate in a forum about digital era of pipelines to identify current technology and their insertion into the oil and gas logistics chain, highlighting potential performance gains.
The program of the 12th edition of Rio Pipeline intends to cover these and other aspects related to this industry.
For more information, visit the Rio Pipeline website.
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