The successes, prospects and challenges in the offshore industry will be some of the topics on the agenda at OTC Brasil 2015, one of the world’s foremost offshore industry events. Organized by OTC and the Brazilian Institute for Oil, Gas and Biofuels (IBP), the event will take place from 27 to 29 October at the Riocentro convention center, in Rio de Janeiro.
This year’s edition will bring together some of the leading names in the industry around the theme: “The Atlantic from East to West: An Ocean of Innovation”. In all, the event will include 39 technical sessions and 12 panels on issues ranging from pre-salt reserves, drilling challenges, engineering and safety to emerging technologies in subsea processing and reservoir characterization.
The always successful topical luncheons will feature expert presentations on strategic industry issues such as oil price scenarios and their impacts in Brazil and globally, E&P business opportunities in Mexico, and management of megaprojects.
OTC Brasil will also have side events such as the “Professional Societies Leadership Summit”, bringing together the leading professional bodies in the industry; the “Professional of the Future” program, with content geared to university students; and the Energy Institute Teacher Workshop, an opportunity for teachers to improve their knowledge of the world of energy, oil and gas.
For further information, visit the OTC Brasilwebsite.
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